TEI’23 Studio: Hands-On 3D Printed Electronics

Join our Hands-On 3D Printed Electronics Studio @ TEI 2023 on February 26, 2023 in Warsaw. We will present fun & tangible projects with 3D printed electronics and discuss current best practice for designing & fabricating printed electronics. Based on this we derive design recommendations in a joint approach and print small electronic projects.


Studio Abstract: The parallel improvements in multi-material 3D printers and quality of conductive filament opens new possibilities for the fabrication of tangible and functional objects. In this studio, we discuss best practices for 3D printed electronics, talk about encountered problems, and derive design recommendations. We will guide the participants through a fabrication process by practically designing and printing objects. Consequently, we contemplate individual functional fabricated components, including small printed circuits and multi-material prints. We aim to spark a discussion about individually experienced challenges participants encountered during their design and fabrication process. This discussion includes problem-solving strategies, whose insights benefit other participants. Finally, we show the potential of printed electronics and discuss encouraging new opportunities in this field.

The TEI’23 takes place February 26 – March 1, 2023 in Warsaw, Poland in the University of Warsaw Library and the Copernicus Science Centre.

Call for Participation

To participate, please register for TEI’23 here and fill out our registration form until February 24, 2023 with a short (1-5 pages) presentation. This can be your last or favorite 3D printed project. If you are new to the field of 3D printed electronics, you can present your last or favorite 3D printed project. If you are new to 3D printing at all, you can present a project vision.

We are looking forward to engaging discussions and hands-on projects!

Contact: firstname.lastname(at)lmu.de