XR4all – Bringing XR To Individuals and Society

  • When: Thursday, November 30, 2023, 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
    • Where: Technische Universität Chemnitz, Erfenschlager Str 73, Chemnitz, Saxony, DE, 09125
    • Registration Link: https://terminplaner6.dfn.de/en/b/fe8811fd2fee4139963a6228b033087a-441923

    When will XR (finally) become as common as smartphones?

    Recent years have brought significant technological AR and VR progress as well as significant industry investments in platforms, devices, and applications. Still, this technological progress and widespread availability are yet to be met with individual and societal acceptance and adoption. If you have already found yourself pondering this topic – join us!


    08:45–09:00Arrival and Registration
    09:00–09:15Opening Welcome (L. Chuang; A. Bullinger-Hoffmann)
    09:15-09:30Living Labs for Citizen Research (A. Schmidt)
    09:30 – 10:15Keynote Ceenu George: XR evolution: Academia vs Industry
    10:15–11:00Coffee, Posters, Demonstrators
    11:00–12:00Keynote Steve Brewster: XR and Passengers of the Future
    13:30–14:30Innovations from Industry
    14:3016:15World Café and Coffee, Posters, Demonstrators
    16:1517:00Lessons Learned and Roadmap for XR4all
    17:00End of the event


    Registration is now open: https://terminplaner6.dfn.de/en/b/fe8811fd2fee4139963a6228b033087a-441923

    Who Is Driving XR4ALL?

    XR4all is co-organized by three academic chairs, bringing together two publicly funded initiatives and networks:
    • Human and Technology at TU Chemnitz (Prof. Dr. Lewis Chuang)
    • Ergonomics and Innovation at TU Chemnitz (Prof. Dr. Angelika Bullinger-Hoffmann)
    • Hive Lab; Human-Centered Ubiquitous Computing at LMU Munich (Prof. Dr. Albrecht Schmidt)
    • Hive-Lab, a BMBF initiative to provide VR access to startups and small-medium initiatives for user-prototyping and -testing: https://hive-lab.org/about/
    • XR-Interaction, a network of startups/ SMEs (e.g., games, engineering) and broadcasting agencies (e.g., ZDF, SWR) who have an interest in XR media: https://xr-interaction.com/

    XR4ALL Will..

    • provide a platform for industry startups and SMEs to share their business use cases and exchange with users as well as researchers
    • present academic findings of XR use to industry, society, as well as arts and culture
    • introduce state-of-the-art XR technology to stakeholders with limited access (e.g., grassroots associations, representatives from arts and culture)
    • elicit requirements from arts and culture as well as grassroots associations on the desired use cases and technology adoption at the individual and societal level
    • facilitate exchange between researchers in the field during the workshop XR4all,