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Research Transparency for Biosignals in HCI – PhysioCHI

Research Transparency for Biosignals in HCI

We will focus on important challenges for Open Science practices and create a physical post-it mindmap or on a Miro Board.

Francesco Chiossi will provide an introductory talk (10 minutes) on open guiding principles, where data should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR).

This allows participants to have a shared background in the topic.

Then, participants will engage in 3 rounds of medium to small group discussions (4-8 participants per group) in the form of roundtables. The main goal of each group is to identify how each group member follows or does not follow FAIR guidelines in their work. One moderator per group will be chosen to report to all other participants on the discussion outcomes.

Event Timeslots (2)

Benjamin Tag Benjamin Tag

Benjamin Tag Benjamin Tag

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