Call for Paper
Amplification of human perception, physiology, and cognition aims at using technical systems to enhance existing human abilities or to create new capabilities. Technical sensors, such as cameras and microphones, are in temporal and spatial resolution superior to the human senses of vision and hearing. Artificial intelligence is outperforming humans in games such as chess and go. These facts are often used to paint a dark vision of future in which machines take over the world. In this workshop, we want to bring people together who look at opportunities of using technologies to amplify and augment human perception to keep people superior to machines. In this the interaction between humans and technology and their interplay are the core scientific challenges.
The workshop will focus on the following topics, but similar topics will be welcomed for submission and discussion during the workshop.
-Amplifying Human Senses
-Creating Novel Senses
-Actuating Humans through EMS
-Brain-Computer Interfaces and Eye-wear Computers for Implicit Input
-Super Human Sport
-Augmented Reality for increasing Human Perception
-Creating Seamless Interactions with Novel Senses
-Alternative or Novel Feedback Techniques
-Interacting with Augmented Reality
-Models, Theories, and Concepts of Digitally Augmented Human Perception
-Ethical Implications of Amplified Senses
At least one author of each accepted position paper must attend the workshop and all participants must register for both the workshop and for at least one day of the conference.
Submit up to 4 Pages in the SIGCHI Extended Abstracts format
Further Information: