Advertising 2.0 – Presentation at CeBIT

This morning I presented a short talk on new ways for outdoor advertisement at CeBIT. Based on results from interviews we know that shop windows and billboards are a well received medium. Similarly to measures we know from web logfiles I argue that it is interesting to have similar information on visitors, views, returns, durations for real world adverts.

The general approach we suggest is to use senor to measure activity – and as such measurements are incomplete there is need for data analysis and models. In two examples I show how this can be done using Bluetooth as sensing device. The slides (in German) are online.

CeBIT Demo – always last minute…

Yesterday afternoon I was in Hannover at CeBIT to set up our part in a demo at the Fraunhofer stand (Hall 9, Stand B36). The overall topic of the fraunhofer presence is “Researching for the people“.

After some difficulties with our implementation on the phone, the server and the network (wired and wireless – my laptop showed more than 30 wifi-accesspoints and a BT-scan showed 12 devices) we got the demo going. The demo is related to outdoor advertisement and together with Fraunhofer IAIS we provide an approach to estimate the number viewers/visitors. On Wednesday I will give a talk at CeBIT to explain some more details.

It seems demo are always finished last minute…