EmoDetector, by University of Duisburg-Essen and Nokia Research Center, is an application that provides auditory cues in addition to the notification tone upon receiving an SMS based on a real-time analysis of a message’s contents, see [1].The application responds currently to the following characters sets:
- ๐ or ๐
- ๐ or ๐
- ๐ or ๐
- ok (case insensitive)
- ?
There is a version for Nokia Series 60 phones and for Android, see the download site. Have a look at the http://www.emodetector.tom-lab.de/ website for more information.
[1] Sahami Shirazi, A., Sarjanoja, A., Alt, F., Schmidt, A.,Hรคkkilรค, J.: Understanding the Impact of Abstracted Audio Preview of SMS. In Proceeding of CHI 2010, April 10-15, Atlanta, GA, USA