Interactive window displays – we have better ideas

It seems that in the research community a lot of people are convinced of interactive public spaces and interactive window displays. Over the last month I have see great visions and ideas – as well as reflected on our own multi-touch ideas for interactive shop windows.

The installations I have seen in the real world however are at best boring (and often not functioning at all). It seems that even a student-project-lab-demo is more appealing and works at least as realiable.

Especially combining sensing (e.g. simple activity recognition, context) with low threshold interactive content seems to have great potential. If there is somebody interested in really cool stuff for a shop window (attention grabbing, eye catchers, interactive content, etc.) – talk to me. We are happy to discuss a project proposal 😉

One thought to “Interactive window displays – we have better ideas”

  1. Albrecht,

    I’m an entreneuer in the United States. I have been developing and installing interactive display systems since 1985. In 1996 I began installing interactive audio window displays. A few years ago I added visual. I’m interested in expanding my product line to include the technology shown on your blog. Do you have suggestions on who to contact for distribution of the technology in the United States?

    As the owner and developer of interI’ve active content at the retail level been a student of consumer behavior for many years. I would be welcome to dialog with you if you had an interest.

    Best regards,

    Chris Naab, President

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